Sape peminat Boat Noodle? Mesti tau kan yang air minuman yang dihidangkan adalah daripada Chill Chill. Ohh favourite drink Aten bila g Boat Noodle mesti lah Iced Tea dorang ! hehehe. Kini Chill Chill dah ada kedai dorang sendiri tau ! Sooooo, sesape yang craving nak minum air dari Chill Chill tak perlu dah pergi ke Boat Noodle. Pergi je ke Nu Sentral tingkat 5. Kedai Chill Chill ni berdekatan dengan Sangkaya dan Chatime.

Apa yang membezakan Chill Chill Nu Sentral dengan Chill Chill yang ada dalam Boat Noodle? Korang boleh dapatkan flavor baru dari mereka tau. Ohh bayangkan Sirap Bandung di-blended-kan. Tak pernah terpikir dek otak Aten kot. Hahahahah. Sedap pun sedap tau. Korang wajib rasa yg tu. Banyak lagi Haaa, lepas ni takya dah beratur panjang-panjang kt Boat Noodle untuk dapatkan air minuman dorang. Just beli je kt Nu Sentral okeh? :p
About The Original Boat Noodle : We Bring Thai Street Food to You! Kuey Teow Ruer, which is commonly known as Boat Noodle is a delicate dish which originates from the floating markets of Ayutthaya. This inspired dish is aromatic and delicious making it an instant hit with fans. Starting our first outlet in Empire Damansara in March 2014 by only serving noodles, The Original Boat Noodle has grown in leaps and bounds as the go to place for Thai food. Our menu has hence grown incorporating more of the local Thai street foods. The décor comes alive as a real hustle of the everyday street food we see in Thailand creating an ambient and lively atmosphere. Boat Noodle has become a place to meet and socialize with friends. Our aim is to continuously bring you authentic Thai street food and share the fun and laughter with friends at The Original Boat Noodle.
My favorite all the time of course their Iced Tea :D
Encik Tunang Aten berkesempatan untuk membuat sendiri minuman favourite dia. Kemain excited dia. Hahahaha
Mudah la skrg. Ena kalau makan boat noodle, memang craving sangat air chill chill ni.. Kadang2 tak cukup satu cawan.. Sedap angat angat
ReplyDeleteAdoih! lama betul dengar tentang boat noodle. Chill Chill good for hot weather.
ReplyDeleteLooks yummy and nice...I tried it out in other branch but not yet in nu sentral..
ReplyDeleteAren't they have Thai Milk Tea? As well as Green Tea Thai Milk Tea right?! Oh I love that! :)
ReplyDeleteHave not gotten the chance to try this but I know I want to try it
ReplyDeleteHave not gotten the chance to try this but I know I want to try it
ReplyDeleteI like the name CHILL CHILL! Never try boat noodle before, so never know their drinks provided by CHILL CHILL haha
ReplyDeleteNew drink in town, will chill chill soon when I'm around there :)
ReplyDeleteBoat noodle is super spicy for me but I do enjoy their green tea drinks. So I'm pretty excited to go visit their Nu Sentral outlet :D